Alupotty, Alupotty to Varsity Road & Sagorpara Road, Rajshahi.
Address: Alupotty, Alupotty to Varsity Road & Sagorpara Road, Rajshahi.
Building Height: (B+G+9) Ten Storied Commercial Cum Residential Building
Unit: Three Units (Three Apartments in Each Floor)
Facing: South
Front Road: 80 Feet & 40 Feet
Land Area: 7.331 Katha
Parking: 7 (Seven)
Lift & Stair: 3 (Three) Stair & 2 (Two) Standard Lift
Apartment Size: Unit- A= 1475 sft (Approx.)Unit- B= 1450 sft (Approx.)Unit- C= 1485 sft (Approx.)
Please Call For More Details……..01726-20294601799-60979101708-58966201321-18102901321-181030
From the timeline of its preparation